Getting Clients Home This Holiday Season
Enabling people with complex care needs to return home for the holidays helps to restore a sense of normalcy and familiarity to a person’s life. Read more to find out how we help clients.
The festive period is almost here and for many people who are in hospital the return home can be cause for an agonising wait. No one should be in hospital unnecessarily over the festive season and not knowing whether someone will make it home in time for the holidays can cause a lot of stress for both the patient and their family. That is why HFH are committed to ensuring that those with complex health care needs are able to return home as soon as they are medically fit for discharge.
Tackling winter pressures in the healthcare industry
During the winter period the NHS comes under immense pressure with a huge increase in demand for hospital beds, therefore the need to efficiently manage these beds is critical. It is common for individuals with an ongoing complex health need, who are overwise medically fit for discharge, to be unable to leave hospital and occupy bed space longer than necessary due to having the incorrect care plan and resources in place to allow them to safely return home.

At HFH we coordinate with service commissioners and the wider multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals to mobilise Individualised client care plans as quickly as possible. With our expert care team, we help alleviate winter pressure and get people home for the holiday season where they belong.
The risks of prolonged hospital stays
Prolonged and unnecessary hospital stays have many negative outcomes for patients. These include a higher risk of infections, loss of mobility and independence and the deterioration of overall mental wellbeing. With these potential outcomes looming over them, as well as the thought of being apart from their families at such a crucial time of the year, it can be incredibly frustrating and distressing for people who are medically fit for discharge to have to stay in hospital.
Discharge pathways for people with complex care needs
Many patients with complex health conditions require 24-hour care and highly specialist medical support. This requires expert coordination from a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals to allow patients to be discharged from hospital safely. A discharge pathway begins with a thorough assessment of a person’s needs, which is then implemented into an ongoing care plan within the community.
Patients who have a complex care need and that are new to care, require what is known as a pathway 3 discharge from hospital. This pathway is funded by NHS integrated care boards and is used for those with long term healthcare needs that require on-going specialist care outside of hospital.
At HFH we can implement robust discharge pathways to get people out of hospital and cared for in the comfort of their own home. We do this through a comprehensive approach working with a wide range of healthcare professionals to get patients home from hospital both swiftly and safely.
Research shows that, should they find they have a continuing healthcare requirement, 75% of people would rather be cared for in the comfort and familiarity of their own home, with access to their family and communities. The clinical tasks that can be delegated to trained carers via a robust training and supervision pathways, mean that without compromise to safety or quality, HFH’s nurse delegated care at home, meets this requirement while offering considerable savings for service commissioners when compared to specialist nursing home placements or nurse delivered care within the home.
When it comes to discharging patients from hospital, safety is key. Anxieties can arise for patients who are eager to return home but want to be safe in the knowledge that they will be adequately cared for. Our care plans are nurse-led, ensuring that all our carers are expertly trained in clinical care procedures for each of our clients’ specific needs. This ensures that the care received in home is of highest quality and safety assured.
Home for the holidays
We care for people with a range of different on-going complex care needs including those with spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, neurological conditions, learning disabilities (where there is also a complex health need) and many other conditions. Our bespoke care packages offer people a pathway home from hospital and back to where they feel most comfortable.
This time of year can be particularly stressful for families whose children have been admitted to hospital due to a complex health condition. Making sure they can spend the festive season with their families is at the heart of what we do at HFH. Our client centred approach enabled us to create personalised care plans for clients that allow them to feel safe and supported throughout their journey home with us.
People with complex health needs deserve to be cared for where they feel most comfortable. Therefore getting them home before the holidays is a top priority for the HFH team.
If you or your family member are in need of complex care services and would like to be home for the festive season, then get in touch now.