
CHC Nurse, South West London

Thank you for your professionalism and responsiveness to this assessment and consideration of this package… your agency was great, communication effective and it was a robust assessment

Quality Improvement Officer

HFH appears to be very child centred, putting a lot of emphasis on the voice of the child, and the delivery of personalised care that meets their set outcomes. Policies and Procedures are of a high standard and reviewed regularly

CHC Nurse – South East London

HFH have very friendly staff that have listening ears. Clients are never dismissed, instead their staff make every effort to ensure needs of customers are accommodated. I have learnt so much from this great provider. Their service exceeds my expectations. I love the feedback that I receive regarding the package that CCG commissions. Keep it up

HFH Client, Tower Hamlets

I’m very happy with our HFH carers, they look after my mum well… I find HFH helpful and my care coordinator has been wonderful!


[Nurse Case manager] Amina has always been approachable, a great listener and has responded in good time to my requests and needs. Furthermore, she appears to have a strong nurturing approach to her/my carers. It’s always a pleasure to receive her into my house.

HFH Client, Hounslow

I am very happy with my care coordinator and the nurse case manager, this is the best care team I have ever had! Nurse “L” has helped save my life!

Client, Merton

I want to congratulate my carers in the way I am being cared for, ‘My little family,’ especially when I am ill. Hence the importance of carers knowing everything about the client as a whole. I am blessed as someone with several ailments, knowing every sign and symptoms is imperative e.g. when my Hickman Line is infected I do not present as someone who has an infection, I present differently. Thanks to [Nurse Case Manager], the carers have been taught the difference. Without being dramatic this knowledge saved me on many occasions. On my last admission I was extremely ill but my carers obtained swift medical care. This was knowing me as a whole and the importance of knowing the differences between infections. HFH, thank you for the carers I have and the teaching


We wanted to say thank you for all your support and hard work whilst being with HFH. You’ve not got an easy job but you always made me and my daughter feel prioritised regardless of any situation. Thank you so much!

Mum – South West London

HFH has been flexible and efficient, in matching us up with the right carers for our family. [CARER] is amazing with [CLIENT]!