Clinical governance and quality assurance
Our clinical governance framework
We have extensive expertise in clinical risk management and client safety in the form of an Integrated Governance Committee (IGC)
We maintain robust clinical governance and management processes to manage performance and risk across the full range of services we provide and throughout our workforce
We hold regular meetings, including weekly safeguarding meetings to review any issues and adapt our systems and procedures so we can minimise or eliminate any potential risks and ensure the maintenance of high standards
We continue to develop a culture which has risk awareness and client safety at its heart
We are regulated by the Care Quality Commission
People, their relatives, health and social care professionals and staff all commented on the way the agency was now being run . The provider and registered manager had systems in place which they used to regularly monitor and assess the quality and safety of care provided to people.
Quality Assurance
Our robust and stringent Quality Assurance Systems are continually monitored and reviewed
We consistently engage with clients and their families through satisfaction surveys, engagement forums and face to face meetings. We have a client-centred approach, involving them and their families directly in the development of care plans
To maintain excellent standards of care, we actively engage with the CQC, which awarded us a ‘Good’ rating in its report following our last inspection
Our staff recruitment procedures ensure we only supply staff that are compliant with the requisite regulatory bodies and we conduct extensive and thorough checks to ensure their suitability and competency
Ongoing supervision and training ensures they continue to deliver care to a very high standard
We conduct regular internal audits as well as using external auditors to ensure our compliance with all applicable regulations