

Delivering Complex Care: Why 75% of people prefer in-home care

When you or your loved one is in need of ongoing care due to complex health conditions, how that care is delivered is a very important question. Our recent public poll found that 75% of people would choose in-home specialist care for them or their loved one compared to residential care.

At HFH we understand the impact care has for both a client and their family and how vital it is for care to be delivered in the right way, to allow a person to truly thrive. When it comes to care, there are many ways that it can be delivered so why is in-home the most preferred?

We conducted a poll of the general public asking the question:

Would you prefer yourself or your loved one to receive specialist care from professionals in your own home or at a residential care facility.

The results were clear with over 75% of respondents preferring to receive care in-home.

Although these findings may not be surprising, it highlights the importance of allowing people the choice to receive high quality specialist care in-home.

Here at HFH we care for clients every day in the comfort of their own homes and see the benefit it has both for their mental wellbeing and sense of independence first hand.

The benefits of in-home care 

  • In-home specialist care allows for a more personalised approach, with one-on-one care that is individually tailored to a client’s needs and preferences.
  • Allows clients to remain in an environment they are familiar with and feel most comfortable and secure.
  • In-home care allows for more flexibility and the ability to change care to meet a person’s evolving needs, unlike a care facility that has a more rigid structure.
  • The person is able to stay as part of their community and spend more time with their family and friends.
  • Gives a person more independence and autonomy over their lives and their condition, as well as allowing the family to be more involved in their lives.

These benefits offer much better outcomes for clients and is why so many people would choose in-home when given the choice.

However even with so many benefits to in-home care there are still barriers stopping people from seeing this type of care as the best option. With a quarter of respondents preferring to receive care at a resident facility for themselves or their loved one, what is driving this decision?

In-home Care with HFH

At HFH we pride ourselves on providing exceptional in-home care throughout London and the Home Counties, allowing more people to be cared for in-home where they feel most comfortable and are able to stay a part of their community.

Our nurse-led care is regulated by the Care Quality Commission, who we regularly engage with to ensure our complex care is delivered to the highest of standards. Our expert clinical team of Nurse Case Managers oversee our complex carers, reviewing care plans and providing ongoing training to our care teams to ensure that our high standards are always met. We also engage with clients and their families through feedback surveys and face to face meetings to make sure they feel safe and satisfied with how their care is delivered.

At HFH we are changing the perception of an in-home service through our care workshops and engagement with NHS healthcare professionals. We strive to showcase the exceptional standards of care we deliver in-home to our clients enabling more people to receive high quality care in the comfort of their own home.

If you would like to find out more about our in-home complex care services then get in touch with our friendly team here.

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