

What Is Complex Care?

HFH nurse-led carer displaying what complex care is

20 April 2023

Although often blanketed under one umbrella term, “care” comes in a variety of formats. One of the most intricate forms of care provided is complex care. But what exactly does the term “complex care” refer to?

What Is Complex Care?

Complex care is healthcare support provided for those living with significant medical issues, including disabilities or chronic illnesses. The care provided is typically long-term, continual and, perhaps most importantly, personalised to the individual needs of each individual receiving it.

Complex carers – or complex care assistants – need to be proficient in the application of a range of different caring methods. This training can come from dedicated training centres and in some cases – such as the care provided by us at HFH Healthcare – it is nurse-led. This means that each individual that we care for has a dedicated nurse overlooking each aspect of the care that is being received on a daily basis.

Who Does Complex Care Apply To?

Complex care may be required by individuals inflicted with any range or combination of conditions. Some of the more common cases include:

Neurological Conditions

Those suffering from neurological conditions – such as motor neurone disease, cerebral palsy or multiple sclerosis – often require continuous observation and assessment. This is why many complex care providers – including us here at HFH Healthcare – offer to deliver this care in the home of the client.

Specialist neurological complex care nurses and carers are dedicated to planning and providing a care schedule that ensures not only that the individual is safe, but also allows them to live life to the fullest of their potential.

Our carer delivering in-home complex care to a client

Acquired Brain Injuries

People who have suffered severe acquired brain injuries (ABI) often experience difficulties adjusting to the physical and behavioural changes that occur as a result. Complex carers help to manage and adapt to these changes not only with the client but also with their families. Carers will coordinate an individualised care plan that draws on advice from a range of professionals trained in the area.

Important aspects of the role of brain injury carers include effective communication, help with daily life and allowing for a smooth transition to ongoing home based care.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Suffering from a severe spinal cord injury is a life-altering experience. Complex care can help with the transition into these changes. While complex care for spinal injuries does include 24 hour supervision, one of the primary aims is to help clients to be as self-sufficient as they can be.

Spinal injury carers give their clients every opportunity to maintain an active work and social life, holistically basing care plans around individual physical and psychological needs.

Why Is HFH Healthcare’s Complex Care Different?

Here at HFH Healthcare, we pride ourselves on our insistence on going above and beyond to cater for our clients’ unique needs. We also appreciate the vital importance of the care that we provide, making sure that it is as advanced and thoughtful as it can be.

All of our training is provided within our offices by experienced nurses, assuring the very best in complex care and making sure that there are no unwanted gaps in our knowledge. We also make sure that only a select team of carers work with each of our clients. Not only does this help them adjust to their new way of life, but also adds a sense of continuity and stability as the individual gets to know who’s caring for them. This is particularly important when transitioning from children’s complex care to adult complex care.

Wendy Hope - Director of Nursing

“Our clients’ goals and ambitions are always at the forefront of our minds when building a care plan. We want them to still be able to make choices about how they live their lives, no matter the diagnosis.”

Wendy Hope, Director of Nursing, HFH Healthcare

Our team provides 24/7 real time support and virtual care rounds help to ensure that the entire care team is up to date. And, as mentioned, each client case is overseen by a nurse case manager.

Above all else, we look to assure a right to family life and supporting life choices made by each of our clients. We let their preferences, cultures and characters guide each complex care decision that we put into place. We believe that everyone has a right to live their life to the fullest of their potential. And we are here to help achieve that.

If you are interested in becoming part of our team, have a browse of the complex care jobs that we have available in London and throughout the home counties. Or alternatively, give us a call on 0208 605 9712.

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